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+ (123) 1800-567-8990

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Working time

Mon - Fri: 9:00 - 19:00 / Closed on Weekends

Company Headquarters

New York, 10 Hudson Yards

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AKD Consultant India Pvt Ltd

Address: F-17, Jinkushal Suri Complex, 230-A,
Masjid Moth, South Ext-II, New Delhi-110049
Tel No.: (+91) 11-26251821 / 26251822

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Associations with Industries and Institutes bring us to a common platform in continuously changing  interconnected world to exchange Views I Technologies and create knowledge base and creating core competence and cutting edge technologies.

Associations are of prime importance to stay up-to-date in keeping view of changing global environment in terms of rules & regulation.

Associations with National & International Players allows to bridge gaps and understands world with better view.

Association plays vital role in completing task with holistic approach.