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Mon - Fri: 9:00 - 19:00 / Closed on Weekends

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New York, 10 Hudson Yards

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AKD Consultant India Pvt Ltd

Address: F-17, Jinkushal Suri Complex, 230-A,
Masjid Moth, South Ext-II, New Delhi-110049
Tel No.: (+91) 11-26251821 / 26251822

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Cosmetics are required to be safe when consumers use them according to directions in the labelling, or in the customary or expected way. The cosmetic industry describes the industry that manufactures and distributes cosmetic products.

A 'cosmetic product' shall mean any substance or mixture intended to be placed in contact with the various external parts of the human body (epidermis, hair system, nails, lips and external genital organs) or with the teeth and the mucus membranes of the oral cavity with a view exclusively or mainly to.

Cosmetic products can be divided into five main categories

Perfumes and fragrances
Decorative cosmetics (make-up)
Skin care
Hair care

CDSCO (Central Drugs Standards control Organisation) is the main regulatory authority for the cosmetics industry.

We offer Consultancy and Training to meet national and international standard.