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Mon - Fri: 9:00 - 19:00 / Closed on Weekends

Company Headquarters

New York, 10 Hudson Yards

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AKD Consultant India Pvt Ltd

Address: F-17, Jinkushal Suri Complex, 230-A,
Masjid Moth, South Ext-II, New Delhi-110049
Tel No.: (+91) 11-26251821 / 26251822

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Halal & Species Testing

Halal testing refers to the process of determining whether a product or ingredient meets the requirements of halal, which is an Islamic dietary law. Halal testing is conducted to ensure that food, beverages, and other products comply with the principles and guidelines of halal certification.

Laboratory Testing

More advanced techniques, such as DNA testing or chromatography, can be used to identify the presence of animal proteins or DNA in food samples. These methods can provide more accurate results but are typically used in specialized testing laboratories.