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AKD Consultant India Pvt Ltd
Address: F-17, Jinkushal Suri Complex, 230-A,
Masjid Moth, South Ext-II, New Delhi-110049
Tel No.: (+91) 11-26251821 / 26251822
Food Quality and Safety Regulation
In India, food quality and safety regulation are governed by the Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI). The FSSAI is an autonomous body established under the Food Safety and Standards Act, 2006. Its primary objective is to ensure the safety and quality of food products available in the Indian market.
Food Safety and Standards Act, 2006: The Food Safety and Standards Act, 2006 is the primary legislation that governs food safety and quality in India. It establishes the FSSAI and sets out the standards and regulations for food products.
Licensing and Registration: Food businesses in India are required to obtain a license or registration from the FSSAI, depending on their size and nature of operations. This ensures that food establishments comply with the prescribed standards and practices.