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QMS ISO 9001 & ISO 22000

ISO 9001 and ISO 22000 are two different international standards related to quality management systems (QMS) and food safety management systems (FSMS), respectively. Here's a brief explanation of each standard:

ISO 9001: Quality Management System (QMS)

ISO 9001 is an international standard that specifies the requirements for a quality management system. It is applicable to any organization, regardless of its size or the industry it operates in. ISO 9001 focuses on ensuring that the organization consistently provides products or services that meet customer requirements and comply with applicable regulations.

The key principles of ISO 9001 include customer focus, leadership, involvement of people, process approach, continual improvement, evidence-based decision making, and relationship management. By implementing ISO 9001, organizations aim to enhance customer satisfaction, improve their internal processes, and drive overall business performance.

ISO 22000: Food Safety Management System (FSMS)

ISO 22000 is an international standard that specifies the requirements for a food safety management system. It is designed to help organizations in the food and beverage industry ensure the safety of their products throughout the food supply chain. ISO 22000 integrates the principles of the Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points (HACCP) system and follows a risk-based approach to food safety.