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The quality of water has become major aspect due to heavy water pollution ratio. The report titled “Composite Water Management Index”, published by NITI Aayog in June 2018, mentions that India is undergoing the worst water crisis in its history and nearly 600 million people are facing high to extreme water stress. The report further mentions that India is placed at 120th amongst 122 countries in the water quality index, with nearly 70% of water being contaminated. Water Management is the systematic process of controlling and moving the water resources in order to minimize water contamination risks.
The water industry refers to the sector which deals with the extraction, treatment, distribution and management of water resources to ensure safe and reliable access to clean water for drinking purposes. The water industry includes several segments like Water Monitoring and Water Treatment and so on.
Types of water
Drinking water I Portable water
The water used in food production is portable water (i.e., drinking water). It may come from a variety of possible sources including surface water such as streams, rivers, lakes, groundwater (e.g., underground natural springs, wells), rainwater, and seawater (after desalination). The quality of water is essentially dependant on the source of water. Adequate treatment of the water is necessary to ensure that it meets a drinking water standard which is safe to be used in food production (i.e., safe for human consumption). The food industry is supplied drinking water primarily in two ways. Firstly, it is by public distribution by local government authorities, and secondly through private supply by the food business itself.
Packaged water
Packaged drinking water (PDW) has become one of the major sources of drinking water and is very popular among consumers. The rise in the demand and availability of a large number of commercial brands of bottled water in the market have led to the prescription and enforcement of water standards which are prescribed for maximum permissible levels of different constituents, which vary from country to country.
Natural water
water found in its unaltered, untreated state in the environment. It encompasses the various forms of water that exist naturally, such as freshwater, seawater, groundwater, and even precipitation in the form of rain or snow. Natural water can be found in lakes, rivers, oceans, streams, springs, glaciers, and other natural water bodies.