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AKD Consultant India Pvt Ltd

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Tel No.: (+91) 11-26251821 / 26251822

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Mineral & Heavy Metals Testing

Minerals and heavy metals are naturally present in various foods, but their levels can vary depending on factors such as the soil composition, water quality, and agricultural practices. While some minerals are essential for human health, heavy metals can be harmful when consumed in excessive amounts.


Found in dairy products, leafy greens, fortified plant-based milk, and some fish.

Iron, Zinc, Magnesium, Potassium, Sodium, Phosphorus

Heavy Metals in Food

Lead, Mercury, Cadmium, Arsenic.

It's important to note that the presence of these heavy metals in food does not necessarily mean they pose an immediate health risk. The potential harm depends on the concentration and frequency of exposure. Regulatory agencies set limits on acceptable levels of heavy metals in food and regularly monitor and enforce these limits to protect public health.